Tuesday, November 21, 2006


An especial email has been sent to Iranian Toronto and suggested to discuss about WTO.

I have made a response for it and have written that:

When it comes to talking about WTO, one can not deny that the most of the countries in the world, such as China have joined to this group.

I strongly support the idea that every country should be part of this group, even if it seems unfair.some countries like china has understood the point and have been trying to be permanent member of that .in this case it will take 15 years for china to be permanent member .however that is not always the case .Obviously it is various from country to country.

In order to have a strong economy I think that it doesn't do us any good to think that WTO has nothing to do with us .we can't survive and keep growing without other countries as a business partner.

On the other hand nowadays, for most of the countries in the world nothing is as important as economy. It means that there is no choice at all.

It doesn't matter where your country is and how your economical situation is. According to get better opportunities you must be part of these groups.

Countries can not be isolated from rest of the world and expected to have a good business relationship with them.

As in all things, now that we live in new millennium we are facing with a new phenomenon that is called Globalization. In this world your countries benefits would be as important as possible. The thing isn't if they are fair or unfair and if they are good or not, in fact the most important thing to consider is we should or should not and according to my way of thinking we just must do that as quickly as possible!!!

Amir Shafaghi

Saturday, November 18, 2006

مقاله هنر تبلیغاتی

هنرى تبليغاتى است كه مؤلفه ها و شاخصه هاى مورد نظر در هنر اصيل را دارا باشد و هنرمندى، هنرمند تبليغاتى ست كه هم هنر را بشناسد و ژن هنرمندى درونش وجود داشته و هم جنم و شم تجارى را داشته باشد و بتواند پيوندى بين اين دو برقرار كند.هنر و تبليغات هر دو بر بستر ارتباط معنا پيدا مى كنند و شكل گرفتن و وجود آنها براساس ارتباطى است كه برقرار مى كنند. در هنر، ارتباط هنرمند با خودش مقدم بر ارتباطى است كه هنرمند واثر هنرى با مخاطب برقرار مى كند، اما به نظر مى رسد در تبليغات بيشتر به نوع ارتباطى توجه مى شود كه اثر با مخاطبان برقرار مى كند

ادامه این مقاله در روزنامه ایران از طریق لینک زیر قابل پیگیریست

در عین حال این مقاله از طریق سایتهای زیر هم قابل خواندن می باشد

Saturday, November 11, 2006


دوستی دارم سیاوش نام و پاسالار کنیه از خاک گرم آبادان (سلام کا ) بزرگ شده تهران ، بچه ستارخان ودر حال حاضر ساکن دانشگاه مینه سوتا از ایالات متحده یو اس آ

این رفیق شفیق و تال بنده که خدا از سر همه تقصیراتش بگذره ، از جمله این که زندگی در حسرت (غربت) رو انتخاب کرد و ما رو هم به حسرت انداحت و دوستی ریشه دار ما به حدود 10 سال پیش می رسه ، از سکوی پرتاب ایران بوستر، یه ویژگی خاصی که داره اینه که همه چیز رو از بالا می بینه

البته این به خاطر قد دو متری و رشیدش نیست بلکه اصالتا طبع بلندی داره
وقتی اومد به بلاد کفر، یه روز که صحبت تیلیفونی می کردیم گفت " میای می بینی خبری نیست " و من حالا که اینجا زندگی کردم و جاگیر شدم یاد حرف جلال افتادم که 40 سال پیش گفت "در غرب خبری نیست

Friday, November 10, 2006

book and articles

the book and articles that I have been publishing

Book published

1- Shafaghizadeh Amirhossein, Dictionary of marketing management, Khane Aftab publisher, Iran, 2004

Articles published

1- Shafaghizadeh Amirhossein , Effective management obstacles for advertising plan with service trend , Advertising and marketing age magazine , page 31 , Iran ; April2005

2- Shafaghizadeh Amirhossein , How design a successful advertising plan, Advertising and marketing age magazine , page 88 , Iran , April2005

3- Shafaghizadeh Amirhossein , Art in advertising , advertising and marketing age magazine , page24 , Iran , June2005

4- Shafaghizadeh Amirhossein , With profit advertising and marketing global markets in our hand and eye , estesna magazine , page51 , May& July2005

5- Shafaghizadeh Amirhossein , Desirable negotiation , IMCA (Iran management consultant’s association magazine) , Desember2004

6- Shafaghizadeh Amirhossein , Desirable discussion pre condition for relationship marketing , Advertising and marketing age magazine , page 79 , Iran , August2005

7- Shafaghizadeh Amirhossein , Emotional intelligence a new fools in market management, Hamshahri newspaper , Attachment part , page12 , Iran , September/15/2005

8- Shafaghizadeh Amirhossein , Global markets in our hand and eye , Shargh newspaper , page12 , Iran , July / 31/ 2005

9- Shafaghizadeh Amirhossein , Advertising art , Iran newspaper , page19 , Iran , August/23/2005

10- Shafaghizadeh Amirhossein , Culture of marketing is code of authority in market , Shargh newspaper , page12 , Iran , August / 7/ 2005

11- Shafaghizadeh Amirhossein , Professional negotiation in business , Shargh newspaper , page 12 , Iran , August/16/2005 and August/14/2005

12- Shafaghizadeh Amirhossein , How to develop and run a marketing campaign, Advertising and marketing age magazine , Iran , page62 , September 2005

13- Shafaghizadeh Amirhossein , Marketing plan , Advertising and marketing age magazine , october2005

14- Shafaghizadeh Amirhossein , Time management in market management , Hamshahri newspaper , Attachment part , page12 , Iran , October /13/2005

15- Shafaghizadeh Amirhossein , Internet at service of advertising, Sharghnewspaper , page10 , Iran , October /20/2005

16- Shafaghizadeh Amirhossein , Packing latest weapon in marketing , Irannewspaper , page13 , Iran,October /19/2005

17- Shafaghizadeh Amirhossein , efficient choose in disturbed market , Advertising and marketing age magazine, page 36, Iran , April 2006

18- Shafaghizadeh Amirhossein , Toronto a reflaction of our next world

Saturday, November 04, 2006

far we can go

I do not believe that anybody could give us good landscape about how far we can go.

That is something that everyone can take care of on his or her own.